
SUPERCHARGE your clients

We do the work so you don’t have to. As an agency, you’re busy with all of your clients. So we do the heavy lifting known as “content creation” for your clients. It’s not enough to create “cool” looking content anymore. Potential clients/customers want to engage with the content, and for that, you’re going to need more than just a high quality camera. We’re people-first creatives that happen to craft awesome productions with our clients. Our aim is help agencies buy back their time and resources so they can focus on other important aspects of the business, like outreach, client relations, and upselling!

“If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.”

— David Brier

We understand that content is the name of the game these days, and we want to help your agency create and do more for your clients, all while eliminating the stress of planning and executing the productions. 

benefits of outsourcing video production services

cost effective

We knew you’d want to hear about this first. On average, it costs between $400k-$700k per year to fully staff a production team with a single videographer, Creative Director, Editor, Photographer, Production Assistant, Sound person, Motion Graphic Artist, and a Graphic Designer. You get all of positions filled with BLIEVE Media for for a THIRD of the cost each year.

faster trunaround times

Our team comes equipped with the latest and greatest technology to record high quality audio and video in resolutions up to 6K.

Save time

We knew you’d want to hear about this first. On average, it costs between $400k-$700k per year to fully staff a production team with a single videographer, Creative Director, Editor, Photographer, Production Assistant, Sound person, Motion Graphic Artist, and a Graphic Designer. You get all of positions filled with BLIEVE Media for for a THIRD of the cost each year.

Scalability and Flexibility

Our team comes equipped with the latest and greatest technology to record high quality audio and video in resolutions up to 6K.

robust gear list

Our team comes equipped with the latest and greatest technology to record high quality audio and video in resolutions up to 6K.


Our team comes equipped with the latest and greatest technology to record high quality audio and video in resolutions up to 6K.

turnkey solution

We knew you’d want to hear about this first. On average, it costs between $400k-$700k per year to fully staff a production team with a single videographer, Creative Director, Editor, Photographer, Production Assistant, Sound person, Motion Graphic Artist, and a Graphic Designer. You get all of positions filled with BLIEVE Media for for a THIRD of the cost each year.

seasoned professionals

Our team comes equipped with the latest and greatest technology to record high quality audio and video in resolutions up to 6K.


Latest Gear & Technology

We come with some of the most state-of-the-art equipment money can buy, so you don’t have to. We’ve invested in complete camera packages, lighting, audio, and production computers, all to handle any and all types of productions.

Experienced Editors

The toughest part of production tends to be the editing process. Our team of editors can tackled a multitude of disciplinaries, including motion graphics, and 3D renderings.

Highly Experienced Team

Our team is STACKED with amazing camera operators, audiophiles, and more! Oh yea, we come with almost 20 years of combined experience creating content for clients.

Margins and Markups

Two of our favorite words. Our services are all inclusive. That means you dodge most of the cost included in building out your own media team in-house, AND buying all of that expensive equipment. Let’s not forget the time is takes to learn in all *insert eye-roll here*. Plus, feel free to markup our services where it makes sense to.

Our Services

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